Maxthon Browser 6 Android

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:lol: :-D :mrgreen: :lol: :-) :-O O_o ;-) :neutral: :clap: 8-) :geek: :nerd: :-? :-( :cry: :D: :-x >:-( :-P :oops: >:-) :evil: :roll: :X :eek: 8-O :yes: :no: :no2: :thumbsdown: :thumbsup: :spiteful: O:-) :chinese: :!: :?: :arrow: :idea:

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Přehled tématu

Rozšířit náhled Přehled tématu: Maxthon Browser 6 Android

Maxthon Browser 6 Android

od LuCash » 1. únor 2021 16:07

Maxthon Browser V6.0.0.3430
Released 01/16/2021

Key Changes
+ Optimized the Vbox
- Fixed the issue that the entries of Passkeeper restored automatically after deleting them

Install Information

Maxthon Browser V6.0.0.3436
Released 01/22/2021

Key Changes
+ Optimized Vbox
- Fixed the issue that the passwords data imported incorrectly under some cases

Install Information